Labels:book | bulletin board | poster | reckoner | sky OCR: 3 Working with Voodoo For this copy r/modify /copy procedure, most otherversion management tools provide two functions, Check out( (copyingfrom the object pool to the private work (space) andCheck in (copy ving fronthe private work kspace back to the object pool) To be able to copy an object to the object pool with th Check incommand it must have been retrieved frothe object pool with Check outfirst. Voodoo was designed for use in small and medium- -sized projects and thus deviates from this philosophy Particul larly for projects with small development team, it seems forsthe user to considethe object poo as an archive in which versions can be stored (and later retrieved) The respective commands are thus called Store (archiv ing andFetch (retriev ving rather thanCheck inand Check out These ...